A Mangrove Mountain Springtime Wedding

What a day for a special couple! 

Bella, Rob and I (my amazing videographer mates) started with Alex and the boys at an Airbnb a hop skip and a jump away from where the wedding was taking place in Mangrove Mountain. As it was a beautiful day and a gorgeous property, we decided to get the big boys and the little boys outside for some pre wedding photos. We were in our element shooting away when a friendly donkey casually strolls over. Soon after an emu soon appears – what the? Where are we?

Alex and Mikayla’s boys, Rylan and Lakai with a balloon and rubik’s cube in hand are quite taken with these furry and feathery friends. I’m always a little skeptical of animals at face height with huge beaks but I need not have worrried. The owner of this inquisitive emu named Squirt, told us she was not a pecker due to being hand raised since she was a little chicky – phew. 

After spending some time shooting these boys marvel at these lovely creatures, we couldn’t help but notice the plane just metres away sitting there in the shed. Again, where are we? Of course this was another photos opportunity – stand over there Alex!

We soon left the boys and headed to Bucketty – where the hell is that I hear you say? Well, out in the sticks with SOS for service. However, amongst these sticks was the most lovely property where Mikayla and her girlies were hanging out. They were getting all made up by the talented Jess from Cocotanning and Muse Hair Co. Bella and I had a scope of the property and discovered beauitful wisteria and jasmine. Once again in our element of pretty places to shoot. 

Mangrove Mountain Hall and the adjoining park had been transformed into a stunning bushland wedding setting.

I could see family working hard during the day to make it as special as it was.

Jamie from Vocal Events was Alex and Mikayla’s celebrant and continued into the evening as MC. When Mikayla turned up, she was escorted down the aisle from her very proud grandfather. I could see a tear glisten in Alex’s eyes as he watched his beautiful soon to be wife walk down the aisle. Their little boys glued to Mum and Dad during the ceremony, reinforcing that this is all about family. 

After a wonderful ceremony by Jamie – it was time to send these two into married life with the first steps of walking down the aisle. I always love this shot – it feels like the nerves are now gone and they can embrace the day. Check out the dip – nailed it! After capturing the bridal party and photos of the lovebirds, they headed into the reception for a night of fun and a celebration of love and family. And lets not leave out the dance moves with glow sticks in hand. 

It’s really something special to capture days like this. 

Congratulations Mikayla and Alex and your two beautiful boys. Wishing you guys all the very best for a happy, bright and loved up future together. 

Venue: Mangrove Mountain Hall

Videographer: Bella Photo Art

Celebrant and MC: Jamie – Vocal Events

Makeup: Coco Tanning Hair Makeup and Beauty

Hair: Muse Hair Co