An Everglades Woy Woy Wedding

Rachel and Zane were married on a quiet Thursday afternoon in the presence of family. 

Zane’s family all the way from New Zealand and Rachel’s family from down the road 😉  A spectacular afternoon – spring is well and truly here. 

What a fantastic location for a ceremony, situated at the back of the golf course at the Everglades Club in Woy Woy. This area is purpose-built is surrounded by thick green hedges. It’s private but opens up to the view of the golf course. 

When Rachel walked down the aisle with her dad, Zane struggled to hold back his tears. A quick glance around and everyone had tears, especially Mum. Rachel looked absolutely stunning. Her dress was simply gorgeous! 

Brad, the Colourful Celebrant, was there to do the honours – and I love Brad’s signature ceremony style, especially when he invites anyone who wants to take a selfie with the couple to come up and then put your phones away! 

Zane and Rachel’s children were well and truly a big part of their special day and the boys looked very proud standing up there. Their sweet little girl slept through the whole thing in her pram. 

I was there to capture the ceremony, family photos and photos of the two of them after. They then hopped into the carts and headed to the club, where I’m sure they all had a fabulous evening.

These small, intimate weddings are becoming more popular these days — definitely my favourite kind. 

Congratulations Zane and Rachel – it was an honour to be there.